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Showing posts with the label Zodiac Sign


The planet Venus i s unaffected by the origins of the gr i zzly of t he s ame name though : Venus is simply a passionate romantic who loves to mak e love. I n your na t al chart, Venus d o minat es courtship , worship, and personal hobbie s and aesthetics. Venus represents your worth , including your relationship with your finances and phys i c al a sse t s. This planet deal s with all t h e joy s, so Venus just sit back , relax, and get what it wants. Ye s, folks, Venus is ha ving a good life - this celestial body is all a luxury. Impact over Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo Zodiac Sign If Venus is in Aries at the time of birth then the native is a doubtful lust, indulgent in kidnapping another woman, jealous, wandering in the forest, prostitute, faithless, tough-tempered, commander and grammarian. If there is Venus in Taurus at the time of birth, then the native is a farmer, who makes a living from serving cows i.e. milkman,...